Makeroni Update
You may, or may not, be wondering how Makeroni has been going since we went online-only for the pandemic. Well, as the solstice comes about, we’re going great with our regular Saturday meetups carrying on in an unbroken sequence and occasional Makeroni extra sessions popping up on demand.
There’s less robots at the moment (they really benefit from doing things in person), but there’s a lot more Home Assistant building and installing as makers have had time to set up their own automated environs. There’s been lots of Python, micro and circuit variations, build a device challenges and even a prize quiz.
Oh yes, and we’re looking for Makers to write reviews of products (indie/maker things) to post on the site; ask about how to get in on that chance to make your writing better on the Makeroni Discord server.
We’ve not moved much on building the big Makeroni app around the website, but there’s a bit of code and a big idea, so if you are into writing code for the web, we’re looking for motivated collaborators to join in.
Anyway, thats it for our update. If you want to see how to join in, hop over to join to learn where and how.