Changes for 2022
We’re making some changes at Makeroni to adapt to the current state of things and to make things easier for people to take part.
We’re halving the number of online live meetings, to make sure people aren’t overwhelmed by them. There’ll now be two meetings a month, Make on the first Sunday of the month for communal making and Talk on the third Sunday of the month for talks and tutorials and other learning opportunities.
The meetings, Make and Talk, will all start at 12 and wrap up by 4. If you could mark yourself as Interested on the discord event calendar, it would assist our planning too.
If you aren’t on Discord
We’re also inviting members to step up and create ad-hoc events on Discord using the new events system. If you want to lead an event, talk to @dj on Discord. Also if you want give a talk at any of the Talk events, again talk to @dj.
So, onwards into 2022, for more making and talking about making.